31 Dec, 2015
Posted by Latorre Insurance
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Top 10 Most Popular New Year’s Resolutions

The year has come to an end, and it’s time to wrap up 2019. 2020 stands before us, a fresh start. That said, it’s also time to create our New Year’s resolutions. Need help coming up with yours? Here are the 10 most popular New Year’s resolutions!

1. Lose Weight/Get Fit: As the holiday season comes to a sudden halt, many of us will be trying our best to work off the turkey and pie weight we’ve been gaining since Thanksgiving. Remember: It’s never too late to start making healthy, happy decisions for your body.

2. Travel More: Life’s too short not to explore this big blue marble we call home. Venture out and see the world in 2020. Create lasting experiences, try new things and meet new people!

3. Change Habits: Whether you’re trying to quit something or starting something new, many of us try to change our habits at the start of a new year.

4. Spend Less & Save More: You never know when a few extra pennies are going to come in handy. Budget-oriented resolutions are incredibly popular and practical.

5. Get Organized: Decrease stress and improve your life by getting organized. Whether it’s your desk at work or a messy room in your home, organizing is a great way to start a new year on the right foot.

6. Read More: A good book goes a long way, and many will be finding ways to read more and learn more as we head into 2020. Find new ways to expand your mind and challenge yourself mentally.

7. Cut Out Toxins: Whether it’s people, things or habits, 2020 is a great time to cut out things and people that have become toxic for you.

8. Spend More Time With Loved Ones: In the new year, try not to get so wrapped in working and busy with life that you forget the people who really matter. Everyone needs a break from life, so make sure you’re spending time creating memories with those you hold close.

9. Relax: Life is full of hustle and bustle. You might find yourself forgetting to take moments to sit back, relax, and just breathe in each moment. In 2020, take time to pause and smell the roses.

10. Resolve Not to Make A Resolution: Instead of making a resolution, you could always resolve to make memories instead!

What are you resolving to do in the new year?